It was a beautiful sunny afternoon last Friday 2nd August when our Buddy_Cups ladies met up for the monthly meeting. It was so good to sit outside in the sunshine and enjoy each other's company. We had quite a few ladies missing due to holidays etc but still a good turn out. We were joined this month by Joanne Peacock who came along to tell us about her role in Prehabilitation Cancer Care in County Durham and also tell us a bit more about Move Against Cancer and how important exercise is in aiding recovery after Cancer which led into her telling us about 5K Your Way Initiative. It was a very interesting talk and certainly gave us all food for thought as to how we could help and encourage one another to be more active. Thank you Joanne and the NHS who are piloting this initiative. Our next meeting is on Friday 6th September and we will be back in Hotel Indigo, Durham at 1pm where we will have Sue and Faith from Claypath Surgery Durham talking to us about their roles as Social Prescribers. Look forward to seeing you all then.
Buddy_Cups August Meeting with Derrick Smart