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Image by Jed Villejo

Monthly Meeting

Find out more about what's happening at Buddy_Cups.

January Event:New Year, New Challenges

Our first meeting of 2024 was held at Hotel Indigo on Friday 5th January and despite it being so close to Christmas and lots of people away we still had 12 attend.   We enjoyed a time of chatting, coffee, Christmas catch up and also looking at this year's 12 week challenges to set us up for the New Year.   The ladies were given a chart on which to write down what Health and Wellbeing task they would try to undertake for the next few weeks.   There was the walk 31 miles in January Challenge which basically is to try to walk an additional 1 mile per day throughout the month.  There was an option to book up to the 5K my Way walk at the end of January which is run alongside the Park Run in Durham on Saturday 27th January at 9am.  You have to register for this event, which is free, and of course you can walk, jog or run.   For those who did not want to undertake the more physical challenge there is an option to just move around a little bit more at home, anything where you are physically more active, be it sitting in a chair doing exercises or just walking around your home a little more.  We look forward to seeing what results we get at the end of it all.    It was a very chatty meeting and everyone seemed glad to be meeting up together after all the festivities of the season.   Our meeting in February is making heart shaped support cushions for those recovering from breast surgery which will be run by our very own Gill.

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