Friday 6th September saw the start of our Autumn/Winter time back at Hotel Indigo in Durham. This month we were joined by Faith and Sue who are Social Prescribers with Claypath Surgery in Durham. They updated us on the current work they are undertaking in the community and explained more about their role. They left us the attached NHS leaflet which outlines some areas covered by Social Prescribers. Anyone can ask their GP to link them with a Social Prescriber to assist them with non-medical matters. We had 15 attend this month and as well as enjoying our speakers we all took part in a game of "Catch Phrase", no prizes this month just a bit of fun to round off the afternoon while we chatted. Next month we have Emma Thomson from Durham County Carers Support joining us and we hope to see you then.
Please see the attached NHS leaflet for more information on Social Prescribing.